carol ritter

by Carol Ritter

Are you a big or small thinker? In my career I have me too many of the latter and not enough of the former. Big thinkers get it, and see the entire picture.

Big thinkers:

-Are always willing to step outside his or her comfort zone.

-Look for new and exciting experiences.

-Reach higher levels at work and at home.

-Take risks and focuses on results.

-Create the vision and helps the team achieve it.

-Empower and inspires others.

-Take on new challenges.

-Are fearless and has imagination.

-Use phrases like “we will,” “we are” and “we can.”

-Know what the results are and will jump hurdles to get there.

-See and solve problems.

-Are successful because they know where to focus their time.

-Have a pocket full of possibilities and thinks creatively.

Are you a big thinker? I’m thinking big right now. If you look in the mirror and have the ability to discern which of these characteristics you possess right now, my guess is you will be thinking big by tomorrow. Take one of these ideas and you may start thinking big out of habit.

Carol S. Ritter, past President of the National Speakers Association in Philadelphia, is an accomplished professional speaker, coach and educational consultant specializing in innovative leadership, outrageous fundraising, million-dollar marketing and building organizational alliances throughout the country. FMI on Carol’s creative leadership with bulletproof ideas for recruiting more members, more money and better leaders:, 610-442-4545,, “Like” Carol on facebook at Caroltalks and CarolCoaches.


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